The Rocky Horror Show ... I started in the chorus and ended up as Resident Director. It was a big part of my life on and off for 7 years. Australia, New Zealand, and Hong Kong.

Craig McLachlan, Marcus Graham, Tim Ferguson were just three of the Frank N Furters. Gina Riley and Jane Turner both took turns at Janet. We had more guest narrators than I can possibly remember but Molly Meldrum joined us for two months in Sydney during our very last season. We also had Kamahl, Richard Wilkins, Wendy Harmer, and pretty much anyone who had been on 'Hey Hey Its Saturday'. Aussie Gold!

The best part was getting to know Nigel Triffitt, our very funny, very rude, very talented director and designer. (Nigel was also known for 'Tap Dogs' and the brilliant tap/industrial segment of the Sydney Olympics Opening Ceremony.) He mentored me and, best of all, trusted me. Although, despite letting me direct the whole show for the first two weeks (if we had a new cast) he would walk in and and say "Right, let me fix whatever it is that you've f**ked up." RIP my dear friend.